The Affiliated Group Meeting in regards to KoKoHs took place at the AERA Annual Meeting Conference, April 4, 2014, in Philadelphia. The AERA group meeting was on the topic “Theoretical and Methodological Tasks and Challenges of Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education - Current State and Future Perspectives on Competence Assessment”.
At this meeting, researchers of the KoKoHs initiative as well as international experts held various presentations on the three main topics: Measurement and Research Methodology, Generic Competencies in Higher Education, and Teacher Training in STEM Fields. After each presentation, a discussion, led by national and international experts, took place. During these discussions the participants talked about current problems, challenges and possible solutions of assessments of higher education learning outcomes.
At the end of the meeting all participants had the chance to meet other researchers personally and to discuss with them about research findings in a more informal way at the reception.
We want to thank all national and international experts and participants for their attendance and many inspiring presentations as well as lively discussions.
For more information see also the official program and impressions.